Things as They Are; or, The Adventures of Caleb Williams

Things as They Are; or The Adventures of Caleb Williams (often abbreviated to Caleb Williams) (1794) by William Godwin is a three-volume novel written as a call to end the abuse of power by what Godwin saw as a tyrannical government. Intended as a popularization of the ideas presented in his 1793 treatise Political Justice Godwin uses Caleb Williams to show how legal and other institutions can and do destroy individuals, even when the people the justice system touches are innocent of any crime. This reality, in Godwin's mind was therefore a description of "things as they are." The original manuscript included a preface that was removed for publication, because its content alarmed booksellers of the time.[1]


Plot Summary

Volume I

Caleb Williams, a poor, educated, orphaned young man, and the novel's first-person narrator, is recommended a job on the estate of the wealthy Ferdinando Falkland. Although Falkland is generally a reserved and quiet master, he also has sudden fits of rage. Concerned about his outbursts, Caleb asks Mr Collins, administrator of Falkland's estate, if he knows the cause of Falkland's odd temper.[2]

Collins proceeds to tell of Falkland’s past, citing Falkland’s long history of stressing reason over bloodshed. Falkland’s neighbour, Barnabas Tyrell, was a tyrannical master who oppressed and manipulated his tenants. Tyrell became the enemy and competitor of Falkland, who was loved for his brave and generous demeanor. Their conflict came to a head as Falkland continually righted the many wrongs Tyrell caused his residents, culminating in a trial for Tyrell. After losing his authoritarian privileges, Tyrell physically attacked Falkland; Tyrell himself was murdered shortly afterward. Although immediately suspected of the killing, Falkland defended himself on the basis of his reputation. Instead, two tenants of Tyrell were found with incriminating evidence, convicted of the murder, and both hanged. Falkland’s emotional state, Mr Collins explains, has been wavering ever since.

Volume II

The account of Falkland’s early life intrigues Caleb, though he still finds the aristocrat's strange behaviours suspicious. Caleb obsessively researches aspects of the Tyrell murder case for some time and his doubts gradually increase. He convinces himself that Falkland is secretly guilty of the murder.

When Caleb’s distrust is exposed, Falkland finally admits that he is the murderer of Tyrell, but forces Caleb to be silent about the issue under penalty of death.[3] Caleb, however, flees the estate, but is later convinced to return to defend himself with the promise that, if he can do so effectively, he will be freed. Falkland’s half-brother oversees a mock trial of the two and, eventually, sides with Falkland, having Caleb arrested. The anguish of a life in prison is documented through Caleb and other wretched inmates. Eventually, a servant of Falkland supplies Caleb with tools he can use to escape, which he successfully does, venturing into the wild.

Volume III

Caleb must now live a life evading Falkland's attempts to recapture and silence him. In the wilderness, Caleb is robbed by a band of criminals, physically attacked by one in particular, and then rescued by a different man who takes him to the headquarters of this same group of thieves. Caleb’s saviour turns out to be the Captain of these thieves. The Captain accepts Caleb and promptly banishes Caleb’s attacker, a man called Jones (or Gines in some editions[4]), from the group. Caleb and the Captain later debate the morality of being a thief and living outside the oppressive restrictions of the law.[5] Shortly afterward, a sympathiser of Jones tries to kill Caleb and then compromises his whereabouts to the authorities, forcing Caleb to flee. As he is boarding a ship to Ireland, Caleb is confused for another criminal and again arrested. He bribes his freedom from his captors, before they discover that he is in fact wanted after all. While Caleb makes a living by publishing stories about notorious criminals, the vengeful Jones subsequently puts out a reward for Caleb’s capture and keeps Caleb’s movements under surveillance.

Ultimately betrayed by a neighbour, Caleb is taken to court; however, Caleb’s accusers do not show up and he is abruptly released only to be recaptured by Jones and sent to confront Falkland, face to face. Falkland, now aged, gaunt and frail, claims that he deliberately did not show up in court, so that he could persuade Caleb to put in writing that his accusations are unfounded. However, Caleb refuses to lie for Falkland, and Falkland threatens him, but lets him go. Falkland later sends the impoverished Caleb money to try to further persuade him. Next, Caleb attempts to make a living in Wales, but must move around frequently as Jones continues to track him. When Caleb finally decides to travel to Holland, Jones confronts him and reveals to him the true scope of Falkland’s tyrannical power, warning Caleb that he will be murdered or caught and executed if he attempts to leave the country. At last, Caleb convinces a magistrate to summon Falkland to court so that he can make his accusations public and reveal Falkland’s guilt once and for all.

Published ending

Before an emotional court, Caleb vindicates himself and makes his accusations of Falkland; however, he reveals his sadness at having become part of the same vicious mindset as Falkland that forces people into groups competing for power. Ultimately, Caleb finds a universality among all humans, whether the oppressor or the oppressed, finding humanity even in Falkland. He even voices his admiration and respect for many of Falkland's positive qualities, including his ideals. The two forgive each other and it is noted that Falkland soon dies thereafter. Despite his noble pursuit of justice, though, Caleb is not contented, but rather, feels his success is hollow and that he is responsible for Falkland's death.[6] Caleb concludes with an explanation that the point of the book is merely to straighten out the details of Falkland's turbulent history, not to condemn the man.

Original manuscript ending

The original manuscript ending was not officially published, though is often included as an alternate ending in many current editions of the novel. In this version, Falkland argues in court that Caleb's agenda is merely revenge. Caleb responds, claiming himself to be a voice of justice and offering to gather witnesses against Falkland, but the magistrate suddenly silences him and denies his offer, calling Caleb insolent and his accusations ludicrous. With some pages missing, the story jumps to the final scene of Caleb imprisoned some time later, with Jones as his overseer. Caleb’s narration now seems erratic and disorganised, as though he has gone mad. Caleb has been told that Falkland has died recently, but he does not seem to remember who Falkland is. In his delirium, Caleb concludes that true happiness lies in being like a gravestone that reads, “Here lies what was once a man.”[7]

Stage Version

In order to evade a censorship ban on presenting the novel on the stage, the impresario Richard Brinsley Sheridan presented the piece on the stage of his Drury Lane Theatre in 1796 under the title The Iron Chest, his pretext for avoiding censorship being that his resident composer Stephen Storace had made an "operatic version" of the story.


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